Sophie Xiang – Wildflower Photography on your Mobile Phone

This is a free event, but reserving a seat is advised.

Reserve your seats early for Sophie’s workshop about taking better photos of wildflowers on your mobile phone. Make sure you bring your phone.

You may have first seen Sophie on social media, or caught her segment on ABC’s Gardening Australia but now it’s your opportunity to learn from her directly.

Sophie is an enthusiastic self-taught photographer. She enjoys the simplicity and convenience of phone photography and has undertaken plenty of research and loads of practice. She has picked up many tips along her personal journey and her frequent travels around Western Australia’s beautiful bush land.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to participate in Sophie’s workshop where she is happy to share her knowledge and reveal how to get the best out of your phone camera.

Time: Saturday 7th October at 9am

Location: Geographe Bay Yacht Club, 1 King Street, Busselton

Reserve a seat:

Sophie xiang Busselton Wildflower Show