Small Flowering Shrubs
This is a list of Rod Cary’s best ~ 20 small flowering shrubs.
- grow usually less than 1m high
- have interesting foliage
- have interesting flowers
- are wildlife-friendly
- may be perfumed
- will grow in most local soils
- suit local conditions
- are mostly local to our area
- are easily maintained
- may flower intermittedly all year
- may be clipped as a low hedge
- may tolerate shade
- are usually available from our nursery
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Adenanthos meisneri | Woolly Bush (local) |
Calothamnus sanguineus | Pindak, Silky-leaved Blood Flower |
Chorizema cordatum | Heart-leaved Flame Pea |
Darwinia citriodora | Lemon-scented Darwinia |
Dodonaea ceratocarpa | Horny Hop Bush |
Eremophila glabra | Tar Bush |
Eutaxia myrtifolia | |
Gastrolobium praemorsum | |
Guichenotia ledifolia | |
Hibbertia racemosa, grey leaf form | Stalked Guinea Flower |
Hibbertia spicata | |
Hypocalymma angustifolium | White Myrtle |
Hypocalymma robustum | Swan River Myrtle |
Leucophyta brownii | Cushion Bush |
Melaleuca pauciflora | Mattress Myrtle |
Melaleuca thymoides | Sand Wattle-Myrtle |
Melaleuca trichophylla | Pretty Honey Myrtle |
Pimelea ferruginea | Coastal Pimelea |
Thomasia triphylla | |
Thryptomene saxicola | Rock Thryptomene |
Westringia dampieri | Shore Westringia |