Screening Plants

This is a list of Rod Cary’s best screening plants.

These screening plants …

  • will grow 3m x 2m or more
  • have dense foliage
  • will become denser with regulat clipping/pruning
  • will grow in most soils
  • have habitat value for birds and other wildlife
  • will block line-of-sight headlight glare and wind
  • have attractive flowers and foliage
  • are local to our area and thrive in our conditions
  • wetland species will tolerate all soils except coastal
  • coastal species will tolerate all soils except mud
  • long-lived, tough and interesting
  • are usually available at our nursery
Scientific NameCommon Name
Acacia cochlearisRigid Wattle
Acacia littoreaCoastal Dune Wattle
Astartea scopariaCommon Astartea
Beaufortia sparsaSwamp Bottle Brush
Beyeria viscosaPinkwood
Callistemon glaucusAlbany Bottlebrush
Callistemon phoeniceusLesser Bottlebrush
Calothamnus quadrifidusOne-sided Bottlebrush
Eucalyptus calcicolaHamelin Bay Mallee
Eucalyptus foecundaNarrow-leaved Red Mallee
Eucalyptus forrestianaFuchsia Gum
Eucalyptus macrandraLong-flowered Marlock
Gastrolobium bilobumHeart Leaf Poison
Grevillea vestita
Hibbertia cuneiformisCut-leaf Hibbertia
Kunzea baxteriCrimson Kunzea
Melaleuca cuticularisSaltwater Paperbark
Melaleuca huegeliiChenille Honey Myrtle
Melaleuca incanaGrey Honeymyrtle
Melaleuca osullivanii
Melalauca ringens
Melaleuca teretifoliaBanbar
Melaleuca vimineaMohan
Spyridium globulosumBasket Bush
Taxandria fragransAutumn Teatree
Taxandria linearifoliaSwamp Peppermint
Taxandria parvicepsFine Teatree


Rod’s Screening Plants [pdf one page]