Screening Plants
This is a list of Rod Cary’s best screening plants.
These screening plants …
- will grow 3m x 2m or more
- have dense foliage
- will become denser with regulat clipping/pruning
- will grow in most soils
- have habitat value for birds and other wildlife
- will block line-of-sight headlight glare and wind
- have attractive flowers and foliage
- are local to our area and thrive in our conditions
- wetland species will tolerate all soils except coastal
- coastal species will tolerate all soils except mud
- long-lived, tough and interesting
- are usually available at our nursery
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Acacia cochlearis | Rigid Wattle |
Acacia littorea | Coastal Dune Wattle |
Astartea scoparia | Common Astartea |
Beaufortia sparsa | Swamp Bottle Brush |
Beyeria viscosa | Pinkwood |
Callistemon glaucus | Albany Bottlebrush |
Callistemon phoeniceus | Lesser Bottlebrush |
Calothamnus quadrifidus | One-sided Bottlebrush |
Eucalyptus calcicola | Hamelin Bay Mallee |
Eucalyptus foecunda | Narrow-leaved Red Mallee |
Eucalyptus forrestiana | Fuchsia Gum |
Eucalyptus macrandra | Long-flowered Marlock |
Gastrolobium bilobum | Heart Leaf Poison |
Grevillea vestita | |
Hibbertia cuneiformis | Cut-leaf Hibbertia |
Kunzea baxteri | Crimson Kunzea |
Melaleuca cuticularis | Saltwater Paperbark |
Melaleuca huegelii | Chenille Honey Myrtle |
Melaleuca incana | Grey Honeymyrtle |
Melaleuca osullivanii | |
Melalauca ringens | |
Melaleuca teretifolia | Banbar |
Melaleuca viminea | Mohan |
Spyridium globulosum | Basket Bush |
Taxandria fragrans | Autumn Teatree |
Taxandria linearifolia | Swamp Peppermint |
Taxandria parviceps | Fine Teatree |
Rod’s Screening Plants [pdf one page]