Nematolepis phebalioides

Nematolepis is a Correa-type plant with around 7 species in Australia. Western Australia only has this one species, Nematolepis phebalioides.
All the Nematolepis species were previously in the genus Phebalium.

Correas and Nematolepis are in the RUTACEAE family.

A close Western Australian relative is the only WA correa, Correa backhousiana var. coriacea.


Genus: Nematolepis

Species: phlebalioides

Origin: Greater WA

Soil Preferences: Clay, Laterite, Limestone, Sand

Tolerances: Clay, Coastal, Lime Tolerant, Shade

Plant Uses: Bird Attracting - Honeyeaters, Hedge

Growth Forms: Medium Shrubs

Size Range: 2-5m

Lifespan: Perennial

Flowering Times: Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter

Flowering Months: 03 Mar, 04 Apr, 05 May, 06 Jun, 07 Jul, 08 Aug, 09 Sep, 10 Oct, 11 Nov, 12 Dec

Flowering Colours: Green, Red, Yellow


Wholesale Availability:   Unavailable for wholesale ordering at this time. May be available for purchase at the Nursery.
